Rufus Shinra- Final Fantasy VII
The son of President Shinra, and Vice President until the President is killed by Sephiroth. As Vice President in Before Crisis, he was loathe to follow in his father's shadow, stooping so low as to help AVALANCHE take down his father's presidency. Once he takes the reign of his father's empire, he makes it a priority to hunt down Sephiroth and AVALANCHE, while running his father's company through fear and intimidation. He is a cold man who rarely shows emotion, always maintaining his cool even under the most extreme situations. He is not totally evil, though, and goes so far as to attempt to save the world from Meteor himself, although not for completely altruistic reasons. In Advent Children he remains badly injured, but alive, after his encounter with Diamond Weapon, and has learned much about life in the time since. With his empire in ruins he no longer wishes for power, and turns over a new leaf, helping Cloud's group defeat the Sephiroth remnants.