Final Fantasy 500
Browse by name or game for a specific character below. Characters are listed alphabetically by either their first name or common name. The most recent translations of names are typically the ones used, with a few exceptions. Characters from compilations, remakes, and sequels are listed under their parent game. Characters appearing in multiple games are listed under each game. Recurring characters that don't belong to a specific game are listed under "Mascots". Gilgamesh appears wherever he feels like appearing. Characters that didn't make the cut can be found here.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M 
N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

FFT  FFCC  FFMQ  FF:U  FF:TSW  Dissidia  Mascots

Cactuar 78. Cactuar Cagnazzo 79. Cagnazzo Cait Sith 80. Cait Sith
Carbuncle 81. Carbuncle Cecil 82. Cecil Celes 83. Celes
Ceodore 84. Ceodore Cerberus 85. Cerberus Chaos 86. Chaos
Chelinka 87. Chelinka Chime 88. Chime Chimera 89. Chimera
Chupon 90. Chupon Cid 91. Cid (FFII) Cid 92. Cid (FFIII)
Cid 93. Cid (FFIV) Cid 94. Cid (FFV) Cid 95. Cid (FFVI)
Cid 96. Cid (FFVII) Cid 97. Cid (FFVIII) Cid 99. Cid (FFIX)
Cid 100. Cid (FFX) Cid 101. Cid (FFXI) Cid 102. Cid (FFXII)
Cid 103. Cid (FFTA) Cid 104. Cid (FFTA2) Cid 105. Cid (FFU)
Cindy 106. Cindy Cinna 107. Cinna Cissnei 108. Cissnei
Clasko 109. Clasko Cletienne 110. Cletienne Cloud 111. Cloud
Cloud of Darkness 112. Cloud of Darkness Cosmos 113. Cosmos Crux 114. Crux
Cu Chaspel 115. Cu Chaspel Cu Sith 116. Cu Sith Cuchulainn 117. Cuchulainn
Cyan 118. Cyan